Past Events Table

Title Speakers Event Date Event Type Location
Using Machine Learning to Estimate Multidimensional Poverty Heriberto Tapia and Moumita Ghorai (Human Development Report Office, UNDP) 03/11/2025 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room 2, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Multidimensional deprivation among Italian youth Elisabetta Segre and Alessandra Tinto, Italian Statistics Agency 03/04/2025 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room 2, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Poverty and its many faces: An analytical framework for deprivation interlinkages Nicolai Suppa, University of Barcelona 02/25/2025 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room 2, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Commodity Price Shocks and Quality of Employment in Peru Beatriz Jambrina, OPHI 02/18/2025 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room 2, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Resilient Human Development: Advancing human development amidst shocks Sabina Alkire, OPHI Director 02/11/2025 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room 2, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Measuring women's empowerment in low- and middle-income countries Jhonatan Clausen and Nicolás Barrantes, Institute of Human Development of Latin America 02/04/2025 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room 2, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
How to Use National MPIs as a Policy Tool: From Metrics to Policy 02/03/2025 Book Launch Zoom
Unidimensional underpinnings of MPI Professor James Foster and Professor Sabina Alkire 12/03/2024 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Global MPI 2024: Poverty amid conflict Sabina Alkire, Director of OPHI 11/26/2024 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Towards a ‘Moderate’ MPI for ISDB countries: indicator and methodological options Rizwan ul Haq; Sabina Alkire; Lhachi Selden; Fanni Kovesdi 11/19/2024 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Measuring 'Leaving no one behind': Options from India Sabina Alkire (representing co-authors: Christian Oldiges; Usha Kanagaratnam) 11/12/2024 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Towards a Moderate Multidimensional Poverty Index: an application to Middle-Income Countries Adriana Conconi; Fanni Kovesdi; Hector Moreno; Ricardo Nogales; Monica Pinilla-Roncancio 11/05/2024 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Launch of the 2024 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index Report 11/04/2024 Global MPI Bangkok, Thailand and online via Zoom, YouTube and Facebook Live
Multidimensional Poverty: Future Proof with Linked Macro-Micro Modelling Asghar Adelzadeh, Ludwe Ngangelizwe 10/29/2024 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
A multidimensional measure for energy poverty in Colombia Francisco Espinosa, Angela Granger, Ana Lorena Carrero 10/22/2024 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
MPPN Roundtable Discussion in Cape Town 17/10/2024 - 18/10/2024 MPPN event Cape Town, South Africa
Global Multidimensional Poverty for Children with Disabilities: A 40 countries study Dr Monica Pinilla-Roncancio 10/15/2024 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Beyond GDP 09/25/2024 Special guest speakers Online
Sustainable and Targeted Poverty Solutions: Using the Multidimensional Poverty Index (UNGA 79) 09/24/2024 UN General Assembly Side Event Conference Room 2, UN Headquarters, New York
9th MPPN High-Level Annual Meeting - Uzbekistan 27/08/2024 - 29/08/2024 MPPN Annual Meeting Tashkent
OPHI Summer School 2024: Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis 01/07/2024 - 12/07/2024 OPHI Summer School Rabat, Morocco
Impact of Social Protection Programmes on Multidimensional Poverty: New Targeting Approaches and Application to Morocco 07/08/2024 OPHI Summer School Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences (FGSES) at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Rabat, Morocco
Policies against poverty in all its forms: the MPI in Morocco 07/04/2024 OPHI Seminar Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences (FGSES) at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Rabat, Morocco
Uzbekistan: a roadmap to the future - Poverty reduction, cooperation and connectivity Dr Khakimov Obid Arzikulovich, Director of the Center for Economic Research and Reforms under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (CERR) 05/28/2024 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TB
Material and non-material aspects of flourishing: Findings from GNH Survey 2022 Dasho Karma Ura, Ph.D. 02/16/2024 Other Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Expert Workshop: ‘Improving the Collection and Availability of Multidimensional Poverty and Wellbeing Data’ 02/07/2024 OPHI Workshop Oxford
Poverty and human development challenges in Arab countries Dr Khalid Abu-Ismail; Dr Adeel Malik 11/20/2023 OPHI Seminar Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies
OPHI ExEd Leaders Programme: Using the MPI as a policy tool, 2023 Multiple 13/11/2023 - 17/11/2023 OPHI Executive Education Online
Belonging in the Digital World: A Conceptual Framework and a Systematic Review of the inter-generational impact of Social Media on “Belonging” in Adolescents and Older Adults Kim Samuel; Prenika Anand 11/06/2023 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A in Queen Elizabeth House
‘The Battle against Poverty, Colombia: A Case of Leadership’ Book Launch Juan Manuel Santos in conversation with Tshering Tobgay 10/31/2023 Book Launch Rhodes House, Oxford
Gross National Happiness Tshoki Zangmo 10/16/2023 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A in Queen Elizabeth House
Global MPI 2023 Sabina Alkire 10/09/2023 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A in Queen Elizabeth House
APRM-OPHI Seminar: 'Towards a resilient approach in tackling poverty in Africa' 09/29/2023 OPHI Seminar OPHI
Leveraging the Multidimensional Poverty Index to Advance Interlinked SDGs (UNGA 78) Multiple 09/20/2023 UN General Assembly Side Event Conference Room 11, UN HQ, New York
OPHI Summer School 2023: Multidimensional Poverty Measurement & Analysis 04/07/2023 - 14/07/2023 OPHI Summer School Bogotá, Colombia
Launch of the 2023 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 07/11/2023 Global MPI Conference Room 3, UNHQ, New York
The Discovery of Belonging in an Age of Isolation: Kim Samuel in conversation with +Father Erik Varden Kim Samuel and +Father Erik Varden 03/05/2023 Book Launch Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford
MPPN Side Event to the 54th United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) Multiple 02/28/2023 UN Statistical Commission Side Event Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, New York
Inclusive absolute well-being changes: An application with multidimensional cross-country analysis Dr Suman Seth 11/21/2022 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Human Development Report 2022 - Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives. Shaping Our Future in a Transforming World Yu-Chieh Hsu & Tasneem Mirza 11/14/2022 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Measuring Multidimensional Poverty: a Global Assessment of Data Availability and Data Gaps Fanni Kovesdi 11/07/2022 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Unidimensional Underpinnings of Multidimensional Counting Measures Professor James Foster 10/31/2022 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
MPPN Dialogues: Communication and Engagement Strategies for the MPI Michelle Muschett; Sola Afolayan; Sanyukta Samaddar 10/27/2022 MPPN event Online
MPPN Dialogues: Incorporating MPI variables into National Censuses Gonzalo Hernández Licona; Juan Sebastián Ordoñez; Francis Mensah 10/26/2022 MPPN event Online
The many forms of poverty: Analyses of deprivation interlinkages in the developing world Dr Ricardo Nogales & Dr Nicolai Suppa 10/24/2022 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
The 2022 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index Multiple 10/17/2022 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Launch of the 2022 Multidimensional Poverty Index Multiple 10/17/2022 Global MPI Online
An environmentally-augmented Multidimensional Poverty Index: The Case of Madagascar Professor Sabina Alkire, Alexandra Fortacz, Frank Volmer and Herizo Andrianandrasana 10/10/2022 OPHI Seminar Meeting Room A, Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Driving multidimensional poverty reduction to secure well-being for all (UNGA 77) Multiple 09/23/2022 UN General Assembly Side Event New York
OPHI Summer School 2022: Multidimensional Poverty Measurement & Analysis Multiple 01/08/2022 - 11/08/2022 OPHI Summer School Indonesia, Seychelles & online
The Unremembered Nation – Bhutan Dasho Karma Ura; Dinah Rose; Sir Simon Bowes Lyon KCVO 06/10/2022 Book Launch Magdalen College, University of Oxford
OPHI ExEd Leaders Programme: Using the MPI as a policy tool, 2022 Multiple 09/05/2022 - 13/05/2022 OPHI Executive Education Online
Measuring Vulnerability to Multidimensional Poverty with Bayesian Network Classifiers Professor Mauricio Gallardo 03/07/2022 OPHI Seminar Zoom
Multidimensional Poverty in Brazil in the Early 21st Century. Evidence from the Demographic Census Adriana Stankiewicz Serra 02/28/2022 OPHI Seminar Zoom
Profiling gendered multidimensional poverty and inequality in post-apartheid South Africa Kehinde O. Omotoso 02/21/2022 OPHI Seminar Zoom
High-Level Side-Event at 53rd Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) Multiple 02/15/2022 UN Statistical Commission Side Event Online
Extending Multidimensional Poverty Identification. From Additive Weights to Minimal Bundles Sam Jones 02/14/2022 OPHI Seminar Zoom
Multidimensional Poverty and Children in Punjab, Pakistan Rizwan ul Haq 02/07/2022 OPHI Seminar Zoom
Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement Launch Event Multiple 01/27/2022 Other Online
Launch of ‘Measuring multidimensional poverty in rural areas: The Rural-Multidimensional Poverty Index (R-MPI)' Theadora Swift Koller; Pali Lehohla 01/25/2022 Other Online
Distributional Impacts of Cash Transfers on the Multidimensional Poverty of Refugees: The ESSN programme in Turkey Dr Matthew Robson 11/29/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
Predicting and Mapping MPI using Geospatial and Combined Disparate Data Sources Dr Neeti Pokhriyal & Dr Damien Christophe Jacques 11/22/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
Policy challenges to reducing poverty in Nigeria Multiple 11/17/2021 Other Seminar Room 3, Oxford Department of International Development
On Track or Not? Projecting the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index Dr Nicolai Suppa 11/15/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
Social Protection and Multidimensional Poverty Liyousew Borga & Catherine Porter 11/08/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
Measuring the Statistical Capacity of Nations Professor James Foster 10/25/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
On Data Availability for Assessing Monetary and Multidimensional Poverty Dr Sabina Alkire 10/18/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
Unmasking Disparities: Ethnicity, Race and Gender Sabina Alkire, Yanchun Zhang, Heriberto Tapia & Sophie Scharlin-Pettee 10/11/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
Launch of the 2021 global Multidimensional Poverty Index Multiple 10/07/2021 Global MPI Online
8th MPPN Annual Meeting - Online/Chile Multiple 04/10/2021 - 05/10/2021 MPPN Annual Meeting Online
Envisioning a More Equitable Future: Using Multidimensional Poverty Indices as a Policy Tool (UNGA 76) Multiple 09/23/2021 UN General Assembly Side Event Online
Leaders Programme: Using the MPI as a policy tool, 2021 Multiple 23/08/2021 - 27/08/2021 OPHI Executive Education Online
OPHI Summer School 2021: Multidimensional Poverty Measurement & Analysis Multiple 09/08/2021 - 21/08/2021 OPHI Summer School Online
Using the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) for preparedness, response and recovery to health emergencies, including COVID-19 Multiple 04/13/2021 Other Online
Growth elasticity of multidimensional poverty in India between 2005/06 and 2015/16 Dr Suman Seth 03/08/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
Inequality among the multidimensionally poor in over 100 countries Dr Maria Emma Santos 03/01/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
High-Level Side-Event at 52nd Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) Multiple 02/25/2021 UN Statistical Commission Side Event Online
Analysing individual deprivations alongside household poverty: Possibilities for gendered, intrahousehold, and multidimensional analyses Dr Rizwan ul Haq 02/22/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
Multidimensional Deprivation Index: an experimental measure for European developed countries Dr Cecilia Calderon 02/15/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
Multidimensional poverty indices and children: Four measurement strategies Jakob Dirksen 02/08/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
Moderate internationally comparable MPI Elina Scheja 02/01/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
Changes over time in the global Multidimensional Poverty Index Professor Sabina Alkire 01/25/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
Sensitivity analyses in poverty measurement: The case of the global multidimensional poverty index’ Nicolai Suppa; Monica Pinilla-Roncancio; Suman Seth 01/18/2021 OPHI Seminar Online
A bird’s eye view of well-being: Exploring a multidimensional measure for the UK Sabina Alkire & Fanni Kovesdi 12/04/2020 OPHI Seminar Online
Endogenous weights and multidimensional poverty: A cautionary tale Dr Gaston Yalonetzky 11/27/2020 OPHI Seminar Online
Measuring rural poverty with a multidimensional approach: conceptual framework and empirical results Dr Frank Vollmer, Dr Piero Conforti & Dr José A. Rosero Moncayo 11/20/2020 OPHI Seminar Online
Construction of an internationally comparable Child Multidimensional Poverty Index Richard Freund 11/06/2020 OPHI Seminar Online
Catastrophic payments and multidimensional poverty: A longitudinal analysis Monica Pinilla-Roncancio & Paul Rodriguez Lesmes 10/30/2020 OPHI Seminar Online
Measuring human recognition for women in Malawi using the Alkire-Foster method of multidimensional poverty counting Dr Ebelechukwu (Ebele) Maduekwe 10/23/2020 OPHI Seminar Online
A journey of acute poverty: the global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) Sabina Alkire & Usha Kanagaratnam 10/16/2020 OPHI Seminar Online
Poverty at a Crossroad: Using Leadership and the Multidimensional Poverty Index to Build Back Better (UNGA 75) Multiple 09/24/2020 UN General Assembly Side Event Online
Postponed – OPHI Summer School 2020: Multidimensional Poverty Measurement & Analysis Multiple 10/08/2020 - 22/08/2020 OPHI Summer School Bangkok, Thailand
Build Back Better: Charting pathways out of poverty with the global Multidimensional Poverty Index Multiple 07/16/2020 Global MPI Online
Cancelled – Eighth High-Level Annual Meeting of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network (MPPN) Multiple 22/06/2020 - 24/06/2020
Robust non-parametric estimation of inequality measures with contaminated data Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay 03/13/2020 OPHI Seminar Seminar Room 2, Oxford Department of International Development
Identifying inequality benchmark incomes Laurence Roope 03/06/2020 OPHI Seminar Seminar Room 2, Oxford Department of International Development
High-Level Side-Event at the 51st Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) Multiple 03/05/2020 UN Statistical Commission Side Event UN Headquarters, New York
On synthetic income panels Hector Moreno 02/28/2020 OPHI Seminar Seminar Room 2, Oxford Department of International Development
Unidimensional underpinnings of multidimensional counting measures James Foster 02/21/2020 OPHI Seminar Seminar Room 2, Oxford Department of International Development
The quality of employment (QoE) in nine Latin American countries: A multidimensional perspective Kirsten Sehnbruch; Mauricio Apablaza 02/14/2020 OPHI Seminar Seminar Room 2, Oxford Department of International Development
Building a composite Multidimensional Poverty Index using Delphi dimensions, indicators and weights Putu Natih 02/07/2020 OPHI Seminar Seminar Room 2, Oxford Department of International Development
Too young to die: Deprivation measures combining poverty and premature mortality Benoît Decerf 01/24/2020 OPHI Seminar Seminar Room 2, Oxford Department of International Development
The creative wealth of nations Patrick Kabanda 11/29/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Revisions of the global multidimensional poverty index (MPI): Indicator options and their empirical assessment Usha Kanagaratnam 11/22/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Relationships between monetary poverty and the global MPI: Joint, separate or correlated distributions? Matthew Robson 11/15/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
The role of inequality in poverty measurement Sabina Alkire 11/01/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Multidimensional energy poverty: A quasi-experimental approach applied to education Jeff Pagel 10/25/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
The first revision of the global MPI: Empirical insights and robustness Ricardo Nogales 10/18/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
MPPN and OPHI Co-Hosted Side Event with Costa Rica at 74th Session of UN General Assembly Multiple 09/25/2019 UN General Assembly Side Event UN Headquarters, New York
OPHI Summer School 2019 Multiple 12/08/2019 - 24/08/2019 OPHI Summer School Mexico City
Launch of 'How to Build a National Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI): Using the MPI to inform the SDGs' 07/18/2019 UN High Level Political Forum UNHQ, New York
Launch of the 2019 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index Multiple 07/17/2019 Global MPI Japan Society, 333 E 47th St, New York, NY 10017
7th MPPN Annual Meeting - Seychelles Multiple 01/07/2019 - 03/07/2019 MPPN Annual Meeting Mahe, Seychelles
Poverty and shared prosperity 2018: piecing together the poverty puzzle Maria Ana Lugo; Dean Jolliffe 05/14/2019 OPHI Seminar Seminar Room 3, Oxford Department of International Development
Juan Manuel Santos, former President of Colombia, in conversation Juan Manuel Santos; Ngaire Woods; Sabina Alkire 05/08/2019 Special guest speakers Blavatnik School of Government
Visiting Fellow discusses parental absence in rural China Yexin Zhou 05/07/2019 OPHI Seminar Seminar Room 2, Oxford Department of International Development
Afghanistan launches its National Multidimensional Poverty Index (A-MPI) Multiple 03/31/2019 Other Afghanistan
Taller Regional de Medición de Pobreza Multidimensional (en español): Panamá, 25-29 marzo 2019 Multiple 25/03/2019 - 29/03/2019 Other Panama City
Oxford University and OPHI Launch sOPHIa Oxford to Help Businesses Fight Poverty Multiple 03/26/2019 Other
OPHI and MPPN hosted a Side Event at UN Statistical Commission 50th Session Multiple 03/05/2019 UN Statistical Commission Side Event UN Headquarters, New York
Taking into account gender and intra-household dynamics: Oxfam’s experience of assessing resilience capacities at the household and individual levels Alexia Pretari 03/04/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
In quest of a better life: international labour migration and poverty in rural Bangladesh Ricardo Nogales 02/25/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
How effective are CCT programs in reducing multiple deprivations? Some insights from Philippines’ 4Ps program Suman Seth 02/18/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Material deprivation and intra-household allocation across Europe Tania Burchardt 02/11/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Child poverty in South Asia Sabina Alkire 02/04/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Assessing deprivation with ordinal variables: depth sensitivity and poverty aversion Gaston Yalonetzky 01/21/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Women's empowerment in Tunisia: a discrete choice experiment to elicit weights for a multidimensional index Natalie Quinn 01/14/2019 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Two Distinguished Public Lectures on Bhutan's Democracy and Development Multiple 01/09/2019 Special guest speakers Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford
Towards A Global Asset Indicator: Re-assessing the Asset Indicator in the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index Frank Vollmer 11/26/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Measurement and Decomposition of Multidimensional Work Well-being Inequality in India Sayli Javadekar 11/19/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Defining and Measuring Health Poverty Philip Clarke 11/12/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
A Meta-analysis of Oxfam's Women's Empowerment Projects Simone Lombardin 11/05/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
6th MPPN Annual Meeting - South Africa 30/10/2018 - 01/11/2018 MPPN Annual Meeting Johannesburg, South Africa
Poverty Traps and Child Well-being in South Africa Marisa von Fintel 10/22/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Multidimensional Poverty Reduction in India: Changes over Time Sabina Alkire 10/15/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
The New Global Multidimensional Poverty Index Sabina Alkire; Usha Kanagaratnam 10/08/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Using the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) to guide innovative policies to eradicate poverty in all its dimensions (UNGA 73) Multiple 09/25/2018 UN General Assembly Side Event Conference Room 2, UN HQ, New York
Launch of the 2018 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index Multiple 09/20/2018 Global MPI Scandinavia House
OPHI Summer School 2018 Multiple 16/07/2018 - 27/07/2018 OPHI Summer School Oxford, UK
Child poverty, public expenditure, and social policy in South Asia Abdul Alim 03/19/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Child poverty, public expenditure, and social policy in South Asia 03/19/2018
MPPN Side Event at 49th UN Statistical Commission 2018 Multiple 03/07/2018 UN Statistical Commission Side Event UN Headquarters, New York
Building a Child MPI Ana Vaz 03/05/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Multidimensional Impact Evaluation Workshop Multiple 01/03/2018 - 03/03/2018 OPHI Workshop Green Templeton College, Oxford
Incorporating a Delphi Method within Poverty Measurement: A Case Study of West Java, Indonesia Putu Natih 02/26/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Income and Multidimensional Poverty in Indonesia Usha Kanagaratnam 02/19/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
The Cost of Fitting In Jonathan Wolff 02/12/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Multidimensional Poverty Indices for Children from Household Surveys: Lessons and Ways Forward Martin Evans 02/05/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Multidimensional Poverty and Violence Christian Oldiges 01/29/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Understanding the Differences between the MPI and MODA Sabina Alkire 01/15/2018 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
The MPI as a Planning Tool Across Africa 11/27/2017
Multidimensional poverty and violence Christian Oldiges 11/27/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Jean Drèze´s New Book Launch: “Sense and Solidarity. Jholawala economics for everyone.” Jean Drèze; Matthew McCartney; Duncan Green 11/24/2017 Book Launch Seminar Room 3, Oxford Department of International Development
CANCELLED: Income and Multidimensional Poverty in Indonesia Usha Kanagaratnam 11/20/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Chronic or acute? Preference-consistent measurement of poverty over time Natalie Quinn 11/13/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Causal claims to wellbeing improvement: the QuIP quest for better impact evaluation James Copestake 11/06/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Walls of glass: Measuring deprivation in social participation Nicolai Suppa 10/30/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) and other global indices Sabina Alkire 10/23/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Multidimensional Impact Evaluation: The Case of WINGS in Uganda Bilal Malaeb 10/16/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
5th MPPN Annual Meeting - China Multiple 09/10/2017 - 11/10/2017 MPPN Annual Meeting Beijing, China
Multidimensional Poverty in Measurement and Policy John Hammock; Bilal Malaeb 10/09/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Using the Multidimensional Poverty Index to Track Progress in the SDGs (UNGA 72) Multiple 09/19/2017 UN General Assembly Side Event Conference Room 2, UN HQ, New York
OPHI Summer School 2017: Multidimensional Poverty Measurement & Analysis Multiple 03/07/2017 - 15/07/2017 OPHI Summer School Marrakesh, Morocco
(2nd meeting) High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Multiple 07/10/2017 UN High Level Political Forum Conference Room 4, UNHQ
Multidimensional poverty indices for children and household surveys: Lessons and ways forward Multiple 06/02/2017 Other Schlich Lecture Theatre, Oxford
OPHI lecture and reception Multiple 06/01/2017 Other Oxford Department of International Development
Perspectives on Global Child Poverty Multiple 06/01/2017 Global MPI Oxford Department of International Development
Launch of the 2017 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index Multiple 06/01/2017 Global MPI Queen Elizabeth House, Seminar Room 3
Non parametric well-being comparisons Koen Decancq 03/22/2017 OPHI Seminar Seminar Room 3, Oxford Department of International Development
Impact Evaluation using the Alkire-Foster Multidimensional Outcome Measures Ana Vaz 03/20/2017 Other Online
Measuring the interconnected dimensions of poverty to energize policy at 48th UN Statistical Commission Multiple 03/07/2017 UN Statistical Commission Side Event UN HQ, New York
Material poverty and multiple deprivation in Europe before and after the Great Recession: Analysis, reflections and implications for the capability approach Rod Hick 03/06/2017 Other Oxford Department of International Development
Ethnic diversity and multidimensional poverty Bilal Malaeb; Christian Oldiges 02/27/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Representation of a separable symmetric preorder, with applications to welfare and poverty measurement Natalie Quinn 02/20/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Representation of a separable symmetric preorder, with applications to welfare and poverty measurement Natalie Quinn 02/20/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Are zeros distinct? Modelling the determinants of (enforced) deprivation for 14 EU countries Selçuk Bedük 02/13/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Inequality aversion, self-interest and MPI: A Ugandan lab-in-the-field experiment Matthew Robson 02/06/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Incorporating environmental and natural resources within analyses of multidimensional poverty Sabina Alkire 01/30/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Prof. Amartya Sen’s Distinguished Public Lecture Amartya Sen 01/18/2017 Special guest speakers
Good governance and multidimensional poverty – A comparative analysis of 71 countries Christoph Jindra; Ana Vaz 01/16/2017 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Determinants of Multidimensional Poverty Levels and Trends Multiple 06/12/2016 - 07/12/2016 OPHI Workshop Seminar Room 2, Oxford Department of International Development
Do alternative measures of poverty matter? A comparison between consumption poverty and multidimensional poverty in Indonesia Usha Kanagaratnam 11/28/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Multidimensional poverty in China 2010-2014 Yangyang Shen 11/21/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Changes in multidimensional poverty among countries in Sub-Saharan Africa – Results for 35 Countries Christoph Jindra 11/14/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
4th MPPN Annual Meeting - Mexico 08/11/2016 - 09/11/2016 MPPN Annual Meeting Mundo Imperial Hotel, Acapulco, México
Measurement and determinants of child multidimensional poverty in Senegal Bouba Housseini 11/07/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Report of the Commission on Global Poverty Multiple 11/04/2016 Special guest speakers Oxford Martin School
The research agenda on multidimensional poverty: important and as-yet unanswered questions Sabina Alkire 10/31/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
The Role of Natural Resources in the Aid-Growth-Poverty Puzzle Juliana Milovich 10/24/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
From academic research to policy and impact: lessons learned from OPHI John Hammock 10/17/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Global MPI 2016 Sabina Alkire; Christoph Jindra; Bouba Housseini; Yangyang Shen 10/10/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Measuring and Tackling Poverty in all its Dimensions (UNGA 71) Multiple 09/22/2016 UN General Assembly Side Event Conference Room 7, UN HQ, New York
OPHI Summer School 2016 Multiple 01/08/2016 - 13/08/2016 OPHI Summer School Beijing, China
Launch of the 2016 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index - Washington DC Multiple 06/06/2016 Global MPI The Elliott School, George Washington University
Launch of the 2016 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index - Côte d’Ivoire Multiple 06/02/2016 Global MPI ENSEA Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
Global Engagement - an exhibition of fieldwork photographs from the Oxford Department of International Development Multiple 09/05/2016 - 13/05/2016 Other Oxford Department of International Development
Measuring and reducing poverty in all its dimensions at 47th UN Statistical Commission Multiple 03/07/2016 UN Statistical Commission Side Event UN Headquarters, New York
Changes in Multidimensional Poverty - some preliminary new results Christoph Jindra 03/07/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Dynamic Measurement of China's Multidimensional Poverty and Stability Analysis - based on a comparison with income poverty Yingfeng Fang 02/29/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Growth and Poverty Revisited from a Multidimensional Perspective Maria Emma Santos 02/22/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
China's Global MPI Yangyang Shen 02/15/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
A Typology for the Measures of Poverty Using Multiple Deprivation Indicators Selcuk Beduk 02/08/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Measuring Autonomy: Evidence from Bangladesh Ana Vaz 02/01/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Measuring Multidimensional Poverty for Children aged 0-17: an exploratory analysis Sabina Alkire 01/25/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Work and Well-being. A Conceptual Suggestion based on the Capability Approach Nicolai Suppa 01/18/2016 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
OPHI Training Course in Dakar Multiple 30/11/2015 - 06/12/2015 Other Dakar, Senegal
Multidimensional poverty in Brazil, 2000-2010 Adriana Stankiewicz Serra 11/30/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Missing the unhealthy? Examining the empirical validity of the Material Deprivation Indices of poverty Selcuk Beduk 11/23/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Measuring malnutrition and dietary diversity: Theory and evidence from India Christian Oldiges 11/16/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
MPI - A Stata command for the Alkire-Foster method Christoph Jindra 11/09/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Union vs intermediate approach to identification of poverty and some policy implications Gisela Robles Aguilar 11/02/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Measuring deprivation with exogenous weighting schemes and the possibility of heterogeneous target levels Anders Herlitz; David Horan 10/26/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
The aspirational power of measuring poverty: How the Poverty Stoplight can complement the MPI Katharina Hammler 10/19/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Introduction to OPHI Sabina Alkire 10/12/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Anchoring a Global Multidimensional Poverty Index within the Sustainable Development Goals (UNGA 70) Multiple 09/27/2015 UN General Assembly Side Event UN Headquarters, New York
US launch of OPHI's book on Multidimensional Poverty Measurement & Analysis Multiple 09/13/2015 Book Launch Georgetown University, Washington D. C.
OPHI Summer School 2015 Multiple 03/08/2015 - 15/08/2015 OPHI Summer School Washington D.C., UK
Launch of the 2015 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index - South Africa Multiple 06/29/2015 Global MPI Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Global MPI 2015 and OPHI Book launches: How multidimensional measurement can transform the fight against poverty Multiple 06/22/2015 Book Launch Magdalen College, Oxford
Launch of the 2015 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index - Oxford 06/22/2015 Global MPI Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford
3rd MPPN Annual Meeting - Colombia Juan Manuel Santos; Sabina Alkire 02/06/2015 - 03/06/2015 MPPN Annual Meeting Cartagena, Colombia
Drama on Multidimensional Poverty Justice in Motion 05/15/2015 Other Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Special Side-Event at the Cartagena Data Festival Tatyana Orozco; Xavier Mancero; Sabina Alkire 04/21/2015 Other Cartagena, Colombia
‘A Multidimensional Poverty Index in the Sustainable Development Goals - interim reflections’ Sabina Alkire; John Hammock 03/09/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
‘Identifying the destitute: An ordinal approach for identifying linked subsets of multidimensionally poor’ Suman Seth 03/02/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
UNSC 46 MPPN Side Event 03/02/2015 UN Statistical Commission Side Event UNHQ, New York
‘Economic growth, inequality and multidimensional poverty: Evidence from a panel of countries’ Bouba Housseini 02/23/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Multidimensional poverty of households with disabled members in five Latin American countries Monica Pinilla-Roncancio 02/16/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
‘Inequality, growth and living standards in the OECD’ Brian Nolan 02/09/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
‘An exploration of the multidimensional poverty of women at household and individual level’ Gisela Robles Aguilar 02/02/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
‘Measuring women’s autonomy in Chad and its associations with breastfeeding practices’ Ana Vaz; Pierre Pratley; Sabina Alkire 01/26/2015 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
'Robust pro-poorest poverty reduction with counting measures: the anonymous case' Jose Gallegos; Gaston Yalonetzky 12/01/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
'Multidimensional poverty and inequality' Bouba-Housseini 11/24/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
'Multidimensional poverty measurement for EU-SILC countries' Sabina Alkire 11/17/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
'Multidimensional poverty and inclusive growth in India: An analysis using growth elasticities' Suman Seth; Sabina Alkire 11/10/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Special Guest Lecture at 5pm: 'The Art, the (Social) Science and the Politics of Building State Capability for Implementation' Michael Woolcock 11/04/2014 Special guest speakers Oxford Department of International Development
'Understanding later life from a multidimensional perspective' Jiweon Jun 10/27/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
'An empirical exploration of the “Shame of poverty” for Chile in 2009' Paola Ballón; Gisela Robles; Diego Zavaleta 10/20/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
'Introduction to OPHI' Sabina Alkire 10/13/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Special Side-Event at the 69th UN General Assembly Multiple 09/25/2014 UN General Assembly Side Event UN Headquarters, New York
OPHI Summer School 2014 Multiple 11/08/2014 - 23/08/2014 OPHI Summer School Oxford, UK
2nd MPPN Annual Meeting - Germany 07/07/2014 - 08/07/2014 MPPN Annual Meeting Berlin
Launch of the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2014 Multiple 06/16/2014 Global MPI Overseas Development Institute
'Measuring human development index: The old, the new and the elegant' Srijit Mishra 03/13/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
'Assessing the impact of corruption on peace and development: A look at the Global Peace Index and the Mexico Peace Index' Thomas Morgan 03/06/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
'Who are the poorest of the poor? Assessing Ultra Poverty in Developing Countries' Suman Seth 02/27/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
'Dynamics and drivers of consumption and multidimensional poverty: Evidence from rural Ethiopia' Tilman Brück; Sindu W. Kebede 02/20/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
'Are there ethnic inequality traps in education? Evidence from Brazil and Chile' Adriana Conconi 02/13/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
'Multidimensional poverty and impact evaluation' Ana Vaz; Sabina Alkire 02/06/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
'The methodologies of computing changes over time in multidimensional poverty: Comparisons and contrasts' Sabina Alkire 01/23/2014 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
“If you’re poor then you can’t be my friend”: Intersections of shame, humiliation, isolation and poverty in South Africa and Mozambique China Mills 12/05/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
‘Female autonomy in India: A comparison across states based on stochastic dominance’ Kausik Chaudhuri; Gaston Yalonetzky 11/28/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
POSTPONED: ‘Dynamics and drivers of consumption and multidimensional poverty: Evidence from rural Ethiopia’ - This seminar will now take place during Hilary Term 2014 Sindu W. Kebede 11/21/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
‘Counting deprivations: a household-based multidimensional approach’ Yadira Diaz 11/14/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
‘Multidimensional poverty measurement methodologies’ Suman Seth 11/07/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
‘Multidimensional poverty in Punjab, Pakistan’ Sameen Zafar 10/24/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
An Introduction to the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative Sabina Alkire; Suman Seth; Emma Feeny 10/17/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Multidimensional poverty measurement in the post-2015 development context (UNGA 68) Multiple 09/24/2013 UN General Assembly Side Event UN Headquarters, New York
OPHI-HDCA Intensive Spanish-language Training Course 2013 on Multidimensional Poverty Analysis Multiple 30/08/2013 - 07/09/2013 OPHI Summer School Managua, Nicaragua
OPHI Summer School 2013: Multidimensional Poverty Analysis Multiple 08/07/2013 - 19/07/2013 OPHI Summer School Washington DC, USA
NCRM training course on multidimensional poverty Multiple 13/06/2013 - 14/06/2013 Other Oxford
1st MPPN Annual Meeting & Launch of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network Multiple 06/06/2013 - 07/06/2013 MPPN Annual Meeting Oxford, UK
Amartya Sen lecture on ‘Discovery of Women’ Amartya Sen; Rt Hon Lord Patten of Barnes 06/06/2013 Special guest speakers Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford
Understanding Associations across Deprivation Indicators in Multidimensional Poverty Sabina Alkire 03/04/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Does Increased Economic Mobility Raise Social Welfare? The Trade-off between Reduced Life Cycle Inequality and Increased Volatility Paul Glewwe 02/25/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Analysis of Inequality across the Multi-dimensionally Poor and across Population Subgroups for Counting Approaches Suman Seth; Sabina Alkire 02/18/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Almost Certainly Robust Multidimensional Poverty Comparisons: Theory and Application 02/11/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Where Do the World’s Multidimensional Poor Live? Andy Sumner 02/04/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Chronic Poverty in Indonesia: Multidimensional and Unidimensional Approaches Revisited 01/28/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
When More Does Not Necessarily Mean Better: Poverty Comparisons with Non-Monotone Welfare Relationships Mauricio Apablaza; Florent Bresson; Gaston Yalonetzky 01/21/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Multidimensional Poverty Measurement for 18 European Countries from 2006-2010 01/14/2013 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Workshop on Inclusive Growth and Poverty in Asia Multiple 03/12/2012 - 04/12/2012 OPHI Workshop Washington DC, USA
Dynamic Comparison between Multidimensional Poverty and Monetary Poverty Multiple 21/11/2012 - 22/11/2012 OPHI Workshop Oxford Department of International Development
‘Choosing indicators, cut-offs and values for multidimensional poverty measures: Normative and technical considerations’ Sabina Alkire 10/31/2012 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
OPHI Summer School 2012: Capability and Multidimensional Poverty Multiple 23/08/2012 - 04/09/2012 OPHI Summer School Jakarta, Indonesia
Workshop on Value Judgements in Multidimensional Poverty Measurement Design Multiple 28/06/2012 - 29/06/2012 OPHI Workshop Oxford Department of International Development
Bipolarization and Middle Class in Latin America 2000-2009 Jacques Silber; Sir Tony Atkinson 06/08/2012 Other Oxford Department of International Development
New Frontiers in Poverty Measurement James Foster 04/30/2012 Other Oxford Department of International Development
OPHI-HDCA Summer School 2011: Capability and Multidimensional Poverty Multiple 24/08/2011 - 03/09/2011 OPHI Summer School Delft, Netherlands
Sub-national Disparities and Inter-temporal Evolution of Multidimensional Poverty Across Developing Countries Suman Seth 05/10/2011 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
UNDP Oxford Course 2011 – Concepts, Measurement and Policy Implications Multiple 28/02/2011 - 11/03/2011 Other Oxford, United Kingdom
OPHI Summer School 2010: Multidimensional Poverty (Chile) Multiple 06/12/2010 - 17/12/2010 OPHI Summer School Santiago de Chile, Chile
OPHI-HDCA Summer School 2010: Multidimensional Poverty (Jordan) Multiple 11/09/2010 - 20/09/2010 OPHI Summer School Ammam, Jordan
World Bank Workshop on Multidimensional Poverty Measurement Multiple 08/30/2010 OPHI Workshop Washington DC, USA
Multidimensional Poverty & Inequality: New Methods & Research Directions Multiple 14/06/2010 - 16/06/2010 OPHI Workshop Oxford Department of International Development
The Pursuit of Justice - Amartya Sen Amartya Sen 11/19/2009 Special guest speakers Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford
OPHI Workshop on Policy: Uruguay Round Multiple 14/10/2009 - 15/10/2009 OPHI Workshop Montevideo, Uruguay
OPHI-HDCA Summer School 2009: Capability and Multidimensional Poverty Multiple 27/08/2009 - 08/09/2009 OPHI Summer School Lima, Peru
OPHI Workshop on ‘Missing Dimensions of Poverty Data’ Multiple 08/16/2009 OPHI Workshop Durban, South Africa
OPHI Workshop on Multidimensional Measures in Six Contexts Multiple 01/06/2009 - 02/06/2009 OPHI Workshop Oxford Department of International Development
OPHI Workshop on Robustness Methods for Multidimensional Welfare Analysis Multiple 05/05/2009 - 06/05/2009 OPHI Workshop Oxford Department of International Development
OPHI Training for PEP survey teams from Nigeria, Chad and Sri Lanka Multiple 01/01/2009 Other Oxford Department of International Development
OPHI-HDCA Summer School 2008: Capability and Multidimensional Poverty Multiple 28/08/2008 - 09/09/2008 OPHI Summer School Delhi, India
Open Dialogue with OPHI Multiple 06/16/2008 OPHI Workshop Oxford Department of International Development
OPHI Workshop on Measuring Freedoms Multiple 28/05/2008 - 29/05/2008 OPHI Workshop Linacre College, Oxford
OPHI Workshop on Weighting in Multidimensional Poverty Measures Multiple 26/05/2008 - 27/05/2008 OPHI Workshop Oxford Department of International Development
Poverty Measurement in Human Development Foster 2008 James Foster 04/28/2008 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
OPHI Launch Workshops Multiple 29/05/2007 - 01/06/2007 OPHI Workshop Oxford Department of International Development
Misunderstandings of Multidimensional Poverty, OPHI Lunchtime Seminar Sabina Alkire 05/09/2007 OPHI Seminar Oxford Department of International Development
Workshop on Teaching Human Development Multiple 28/03/2007 - 31/03/2007 OPHI Workshop Oxford Department of International Development