8th MPPN Annual Meeting - Online/Chile
After postponing the 8th Annual Meeting in Santiago, Chile in 2020 due to the global pandemic, the government of Chile and its Ministry of Social Development and Family Affairs hosted the meeting on 4th and 5th October online, with the support from the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network Secretariat (MPPN) and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative.
35 countries and 14 international agencies gave insightful presentations on their progress with multidimensional poverty measurement and reduction. President Piñera gave a special address in the opening session of the meeting highlighting the important role of the MPPN in advancing the fight against poverty.
The meeting provided a space for exchange and discussion for countries and organisations from around the world and across different time zones.
Global Exchange Panels allowed countries in different continents to participate simultaneously in insightful conversations. The special Panels for the Americas, and for Africa, Asia and Europe, allowed participants to connect regionally and discuss progress in their countries and organisations. Three discussion groups complemented the panels, and allowed participants to further exchange and debate.
The meeting closed with the review and approval of the Communique which calls on countries to 1) measure and use Multidimensional Poverty Indices (MPIs) for policy planning and monitoring during the pandemic and recovery, and 2) to mainstream MPIs into data collection, and to integrate its use into poverty assessments, poverty and social protection policies, planning, and SDG reporting.