Launch of the 2016 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index - Washington DC

Global MPI
Monday 06th June 2016
12:00 - 13:00 BST
The Elliott School, George Washington University

Chair: Hope Harrison, Associate Dean for Research Associate Professor of History and International Affairs, The Elliott School, George Washington University 

Welcome: John Hammock, co-founder, OPHI, Secretariat of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network 

Presentation of the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2016, Africa Focus

  • Sabina Alkire, Director of the Oxford Poverty & Human Development, University of Oxford and the Oliver T. Carr Jr. Professor in International Affairs, the Elliott School, George Washington University 
  • Professor James Foster, Professor of Economics and International Affairs, the Elliott School, George Washington University 


  • Ms Linda Etim, USAID Assistant Administrator for Africa 
  • Dr. Joao Pedro Azevedo, Lead Economist and Global Lead on Welfare Measurement and Statistical Capacity
  • Dr. Angela Lusigi, strategic advisor for UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Africa.
  • Ambassador William Garvelink, past US Ambassador to the Republic of the Congo