Prof. Amartya Sen’s Distinguished Public Lecture

Amartya Sen
Special guest speakers
Wednesday 18th January 2017
00:00 GMT

We were delighted to host a series of events with Professor Amartya Sen on Wednesday 18 January 2017. 

A morning seminar at Magdalen College, Oxford saw the Nobel Laureate present new chapters of the forthcoming volume "Collective Choice and Social Welfare". The conversation surrounded the re-issue of Collective Choice (1970), with new arguments and results, alternating between the mathematical and non-mathematical to discuss choice, welfare, inequality, poverty and rights. 

Later, in a Distinguished Public Lecture at the Sheldonian Theatre entitled “Democracy and Social Decisions”, Professor Sen addressed the need for quality public discussion of issues ranging from welfare economics to political problems. He highlighted the demonetarisation in India and the Brexit vote in the UK.