Launch of the 2015 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index - Oxford

Global MPI
Monday 22nd June 2015
12:00 - 13:00 BST
Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford

You are invited to join the Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI) at a special event that combines the launch of the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 2015 and the launch of our new book, Multidimensional Poverty Measurement & Analysis.

With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) due to be adopted by the UN in September this year, this event, aimed at researchers and development practitioners, will highlight the importance of rigorous multidimensional measurement for ensuring that poverty in all its forms can successfully be reduced.

The Global MPI is an internationally-comparable measure of acute poverty covering more than 100 developing countries. Marking the fifth anniversary of the Global MPI, OPHI researchers will present new findings from the updated estimations, on topics including changes in poverty over time, differences in rural and urban poverty, inequality among the poor, and destitution.

The event will also launch Multidimensional Poverty Measurement & Analysis, OPHI’s new book from Oxford University Press, which provides a unique guide to viewing poverty through a multidimensional lens.

Guest contributors include Selim Jahan, Director of the UNDP Human Development Report Office, and Debopam Bhattacharya, Brian Nolan, Max Roser and Frances Stewart from the University of Oxford.

The book launch will feature a specially-commissioned theatre performance by Oxford-based theatre company Justice in Motion, and discussion from at least four of the book’s authors: Sabina Alkire, OPHI Director and Professor of Economics and International Affairs at George Washington University; Suman Seth, OPHI Senior Research Officer and Lecturer in Economics at Leeds University Business School; James Foster, OPHI Research Associate and Professor of Economics and International Affairs at George Washington University; and Paola Ballon, OPHI Research Associate and Senior Researcher for the Partnership of Economic Policy.

Further information

For further details about the event, please contact

Find out more about the Global MPI at

For further information about OPHI’s forthcoming book, including draft chapters and resources, visit The book is available to pre-order from Oxford University Press.

Information for the media

OPHI Director Sabina Alkire is available for interview, along with other book authors and members of the Global MPI team. To arrange an interview, or if you would like to attend the event, please contact:

Raggie Johansen, OPHI Communications Officer: 01865 271 528 /

Paddy Coulter, OPHI Director of Communications: