6th MPPN Annual Meeting - South Africa

MPPN Annual Meeting
Tuesday 30th October 2018 - Thursday 01st November 2018
00:00 - 00:00 GMT
Johannesburg, South Africa

Hosted by the Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation responsible for Statistics South Africa with the support of the Department of Social Development and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative.

Structure of the 6th Annual Meeting 

1. Optional Field Trip: More information will be made available shortly. 

2. Plenary Sessions: these sessions are intended for all MPPN members. During these sessions, countries will have the opportunity to share their experiences and discuss effective tools for poverty measurement and eradication. 

3. Parallel Sessions: on the third day of the event, participants will choose among different parallel sessions, which will be spaces for open debate and discussions on the next steps of the Network. 

4. Side Events: special side events will take place to discuss specific issues related to multidimensional poverty measurement. 

5. Plenary Sessions 

There will be five Plenary Sessions during the 6th Annual Meeting of the MPPN. 

(i) Sharing of Practice on Multidimensional Poverty Measurement. Parts 1 and 2 These sessions will provide the opportunity for countries to present their own experiences on multidimensional poverty measurement, discuss how their measures were constructed and how they are used in practice for poverty eradication. 

(ii) Sharing of Practice on Multidimensional Poverty Measurement. Part 3 Countries will present certain policy implementations of MPI in slightly greater detail, allowing time for interchange and Q/A, and OPHI will present the 2018 Global MPI and future plans. 

(iii) Round-Table Discussions with South African Public Officials Representatives from various ministries of South Africa will discuss concrete strategies and programs that have been implemented to tackle poverty in all its dimensions. 

(iv) The SDGs target indicators and the windows they open: ending poverty in all its dimensions 6 This session will discuss the road ahead regarding the opportunities and challenges of the SDGs indicators and the different options for countries. 

Parallel Sessions 

On the afternoon of the last day of the Meeting, participants will have the opportunity to participate in the following parallel sessions: 

(i) Session A: MPPN Plan of Work for 2019 This session will review MPPN internal and external communications plans and MPPN work plans for the next year, including side events at the UN General Assembly, the United Nations Statistical Commission and other activities. 

(ii) Session B: MPPN Core Support and the SDG Process This session will address how the MPPN can grow, how it can best participate in the SDG agenda, and how agencies and governments can support the MPPN to advance national, and Global MPIs in the coming year in a coordinated fashion. 

(iii) Session C: MPPN Policy Relevant Research This meeting will seek to clarify key research priorities for member countries and discuss how to communicate findings on emerging research, for example, on the determinants of multidimensional poverty, and multidimensional poverty impact evaluation methodologies