Expert Workshop: ‘Improving the Collection and Availability of Multidimensional Poverty and Wellbeing Data’
The Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative will host a three-day expert workshop focused on multidimensional poverty, wellbeing and household survey data. The workshop will take place 7–9 February 2024 in Oxford, United Kingdom.
This high-level event will bring together experts and leaders in the field of multidimensional poverty measurement and household survey data to encourage improvements in the availability, collection and use of multidimensional poverty and wellbeing data on ten areas of human development (children, education, employment, environment, heath, living standards, nutrition, safety & security, social connectedness, voice & agency). The event will also highlight innovative methods and approaches developed by national and global actors, and consider future collaborations and investments in household surveys.
Some speakers include representatives from governments, World Bank, UNDP, UNICEF, and key survey providers such as DHS, MICS and Gallup, as well as national statistics offices.
The Expert Workshop is organized in collaboration with the Colombian National Statistical Office DANE (by its acronym in Spanish), who will host the Fifth UN World Data Forum in Medellin, Colombia, from 11-14 November 2024.