Under 'News Type', we have categorised the news to help with searching: 

  • 'OPHI News' are stories written by OPHI that first appear on our homepage and are stored here. 
  • In addition to OPHI News, we also share highlights of 'OPHI in the media', which include examples of media coverage of OPHI's work, our collaborative work with partners, or commentary on unfolding global, regional or national stories related to poverty. Please note that 'OPHI in the media' are not endorsements of the content featured. 
  • We also collate press releases of our work and our work with partners. 

The OPHI Update is an online newsletter that provides a summary of OPHI news for the previous couple of months. To receive updates directly, sign up to the OPHI Update, our online newsletter. You can also view past OPHI Updates here.