News Table

Title News Type Description News date
New Citi GPS Report: Eliminating Poverty, a $1.6 Trillion Opportunity to Improve the Lives of Millions Press releases 09 February 2022
FAO unveils improved method of measuring rural poverty Press releases 04 February 2022
Save the Date for OPHI ExEd 2022 OPHI News 02 February 2022
Register now for MPPN Side-Event at 53rd Session of the UNSC OPHI News 24 January 2022
OPHI Update - January 2022 OPHI Update

India MPI baseline report | Malawi MPI | Sri Lanka MPI

15 January 2022
The Star - Poorer women more likely to experience abuse OPHI in the media 15 December 2021
Business Fights Poverty Podcast - Interview with Sabina Alkire OPHI in the media 10 December 2021
Malawi MPI Report launches OPHI News 09 December 2021
The Business Standard - 24.1% Bangladeshis multidimensionally poor: Report OPHI in the media 08 December 2021
Diairio Financiero - La travesía de la creadora del índice para medir (y erradica) a pobreza multidimensional OPHI in the media 01 November 2021
Inter Press Service News Agency - Disparities in Poverty Between Ethnic Groups & Across Genders Show Why We Need to Dig Deeper into Poverty Data OPHI in the media 12 October 2021
University of Oxford: Eight Oxford academics named new Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences OPHI in the media 11 October 2021
Global Positioning System for a better future – the 2021 global MPI launches OPHI News 09 October 2021
University of Oxford: Women in many poor households excluded from education– report OPHI in the media 07 October 2021
Two-thirds of the world’s poor have no educated females at home OPHI News 07 October 2021
Poverty index reveals stark inequalities among ethnic groups Press releases 07 October 2021
‘We no longer have to make policy blindly’, leaders reflect on poverty reduction at UNGA 76 OPHI News 24 September 2021
Register now for virtual Side Event at UNGA 76 OPHI News 14 September 2021
Save the Date for Eighth MPPN Annual Meeting OPHI News 30 August 2021
Financial Times - ‘We can make progress on global poverty — in spite of Covid’ OPHI in the media 15 July 2021
TEDx Talks - Three Ways to Turn a Corner on Poverty OPHI in the media 28 June 2021
Seychelles to host the 7th Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network Annual Meeting this July OPHI News 21 June 2021
The Economist - Economically, covid-19 has hit hard-up urbanites hardest OPHI in the media 17 June 2021
Paraguay launches a national MPI to leave no one behind OPHI News 16 June 2021
Namibia launches national MPI to guide poverty reduction OPHI News 10 June 2021
Ending energy poverty is vital for ending poverty globally OPHI News 03 June 2021
OPHI introduces Executive Education to train leaders in using the MPI as a policy tool OPHI News 24 May 2021
Ibero-America recognises the importance of the Multidimensional Poverty Index as a key tool to strengthen governance in the region OPHI News 07 May 2021
Iberoamérica reconoce la importancia del índice de pobreza multidimensional como herramienta clave para fortalecer la gobernanza en la región Press releases 07 May 2021
Booking opens for online OPHI Summer School 2021 OPHI News 28 April 2021 - Menristek/Kepala BRIN Sampaikan Peran Penting Inovasi dan Teknologi serta Penerapan Ekonomi Sirkular sebagai Kunci Atasi Masalah Kemiskinan Multidimensi dan Kelestarian Lingkungan OPHI in the media 19 March 2021
Developing relevant MPIs at the MPPN Side Event of the 52nd UNSC OPHI News 26 February 2021
New OPHI Working Paper on the dangers of using endogenous weights OPHI News 25 January 2021
Sign up to OPHI UNDP online course: Designing a Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) OPHI News 19 January 2021
Archive of articles and papers on poverty during the Covid-19 pandemic OPHI in the media 01 December 2020
Pilot project in Honduras strengthens transparency in fight against COVID vulnerability 15 October 2020
Pilot project in Honduras strengthens transparency in fight against COVID-19 vulnerability Press releases 15 October 2020
Let’s Not Waste This Chance: Dynamic exchange at UNGA on leadership and poverty amidst the COVID pandemic OPHI News 24 September 2020
Register for MPPN 2020 UNGA Side Event on 24 September OPHI News 10 September 2020
Half of Angolans are multidimensionally poor according to new national MPI report OPHI News 03 September 2020
El Pais: Una oportunidad para reducir la pobreza en todas sus dimensiones OPHI in the media 10 August 2020
New data looking at poverty in different dimensions in Ghana show reduction over time Press releases 29 July 2020
Project Syndicate: Keeping Poverty Reduction Front and Center OPHI in the media 29 July 2020
Ghana launches a national Multidimensional Poverty Index OPHI News 29 July 2020
The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number - High-Level Discussion of Global MPI 2020 OPHI News 17 July 2020
2020 Release of the Global MPI OPHI News 16 July 2020
Progress against the multiple dimensions of poverty was made before the pandemic – but now it is at risk Press releases 16 July 2020
10th Anniversary launch of the Global MPI 2020 on 16 July OPHI News 09 July 2020
Two SIDS launch national multidimensional poverty indices OPHI News 08 June 2020
Maldives introduces new measure for poverty Press releases 04 June 2020