Mauritania MPI
MPI originally introduced: 2023
Latest MPI results: Mauritania MPI 2022
Mauritania launched the Mauritania MPI - Indice de Pauvreté Multidimensionnelle de la Mauritanie (IPM-M) - in March 2023. It was developed through a partnership between ANSADE (Agence Nationale de la Statistique, de l’Anlayse Démographique et Économique), UNICEF and OPHI. The MPI uses data from the Permanent Survey of Living Conditions of Households (EPCV, 2019). The policy brief was published in November 2022 and then launched in March 2023.
The IPM-M will be updated every four years as part of the Permanent Survey of Living Conditions of Households (EPCV) to monitor progress in poverty reduction and to provide guidance on the effectiveness of government policies and programmes. The development of the IPM-M is an important contribution to the establishment of a monitoring tool for the SCAPP (SCAPP-2016–2030) and the global goals (SDGs 2015–2030) and particularly Target 1.2 and Indicator 1.2.2
ANSADE, UNICEF & OPHI (2022). Pauvreté Multidimensionnelle en Mauritanie. ANSADE, Nouakchott. (French)
(Factsheet) ANSADE, UNICEF & OPHI (2022). Indice de Pauvreté Multidimensionnelle en Mauritanie. (French)
ESCWA (2024). Note d’orientation sur l’optimisation des politiques et investissements pour la réduction de la pauvreté en Mauritanie (French)
Mauritania MPI structure: dimensions and indicators
Poverty Cut-Off: A person is considered poor if they are deprived in 38% of the 19 weighted indicators.

Global MPI
The annual global MPI produced by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative in partnership with the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme is an internationally comparable index of acute multidimensional poverty and includes Country Briefings summarising poverty statistics for each country.
Visit the most recent Global MPI Country Briefing for Mauritania based on DHS 2019-2021.
More info on National MPI of Mauritania
Official institution responsible for statistics
- 24 September 2024 | Intervention by Nani Ould Chrougha, Minister of Energy at UNGA 79 Side Meeting
Press releases/news
L’Indice de Pauvreté Multidimensionnelle de la Mauritanie (IPM-M): une mesure complémentaire de la pauvreté, pour refléter les multiples privations de la population en termes d’éducation, santé, conditions de vie et emploi | Download the Mauritania MPI 2022 Press Release (in French)
Voluntary National Reviews
2024 | VNR 2024 Mauritania Report pp. 22, 79