Deriving Weights for the Index of Multiple Deprivation Based on Societal Preferences: The Application of a Discrete Choice Experiment

OPHI Working Papers

The Oxford IMD is based on the premise that multiple deprivation consists of individual components which can be measured separately but also combined to form an overall single index measure (Noble et al. 2000). The IMD identified seven domains of indicators that measure the different aspects of derivation (Income; Employment; Health and disability; Education, skills and training; Barriers to housing and social services; Living environment; and Crime). Based on these indicators each geographically defined area is then given a score. The scores in each domain are standardised, and each domain is weighted. These weighted scores are combined to give a composite score (or index value)for each area. These composite scores have important policy implications when resource allocation decisions are based on them.

Citation: Watson, V., Sutton, M., Dibben, C. and Ryan, M. (2008). 'Deriving weights for the index of multiple deprivation based on societal preferences: The application of a discrete choice experiment', OPHI Working Paper 24, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), University of Oxford.

deprivations, weights


Verity Watson, Matt Sutton, Chris Dibben and Mandy Ryan

Series Name
OPHI Working Papers
Publication date
Publication Number
WP 24