Multidimensional poverty measurement for EU-SILC countries

OPHI Research in Progress

This paper presents a set of experimental indices of multidimensional poverty, using cross-sectional EUSILC data. The indices use the Alkire Foster (AF) methodology – a widely used flexible methodology which
can accommodate different indicators, weights and cut-offs. In constructing three sets of illustrative indices
we review the joint distribution within and among potential indicators of multidimensional poverty. We
draw on existing EU-2020 indicators, as well as on indicators of health, education and lived environment.
The time series data enables an analysis of multidimensional poverty dynamics, including analysis of changes
in overall poverty and in indicators. The paper also decomposes poverty results by gender – finding women
to be poorer across countries and time – and by age categories.

Citation: Alkire, S., Apablaza, M, and Jung, E. (2014). 'Multidimensional poverty measurement for EU-SILC countries', OPHI Research in Progress 36b,  Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, University of Oxford.

Later version of this paper: OPHI Research in Progress 36c (2014).

Multidimensional poverty, EU-SILC, counting measures, material deprivation, and multidimensional poverty dynamics
Europe and Central Asia

Sabina Alkire, Mauricio Apablaza and Euijin Jung
Series Name
OPHI Research in Progress papers
Publication date
Publication Number
RP 36b