Rolando Gonzales Martinez

Rolando is a Researcher for OPHI working on the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (global MPI) and Changes over Time projects.
He creates data visualizations of multidimensional poverty. Rolando is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) of the Royal Academy of Art and Sciences. He has a PhD from the Universitetet i Agder in Norway and an MSc in Applied Statistics from the University of Alcalá in Spain.
Previously, he was a postdoctoral data scientist at CASUS (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany), and a postdoctoral consultant for the University of Groningen, in the Centre for Demographic Studies of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
Postdoctoral researcher, NIDI-Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Netherlands.
Postdoctoral researcher, CASUS-Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Germany.
PhD, Universitetet i Agder, Norway.
MSc Applied Statistics, University of Alcalá, Spain. -
Research interests
Socio-economic development; finance; artificial intelligence/machine-learning; Bayesian methods; mathematical modelling; epistemology.
Selected publications
Gonzales Martinez, R. (2022). ‘How good is good? Bayesian machine-learning estimation of probabilistic benchmarks in noisy datasets and an application to nanofinance+’. Systems and Soft Computing 4: 200036.
Gonzales Martinez, R., Wells, J., Anand, P., Pelto, G., Dhansay, M. A., Haisma, H. (2022). ‘Community participation and multidimensional child growth: evidence from the Vietnam Young Lives study’. Current Developments in Nutrition 6 (4)
Ravelli, E., Gonzales Martinez, R. (2021). ‘Environmental risk factors of airborne viral transmission: Humidity, Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 in the Netherlands’. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology: 100432.
Gonzales Martinez, R., D’Espallier, B., Mersland, R. (2020). ‘Bifurcations in business profitability: An agent-based simulation of homophily in self-financing groups’. Journal of Business Research 129: 495–514.
Gonzales Martinez, R., Aguilera‐Lizarazu, G., Rojas‐Hosse, A., Aranda Blanco, P. (2020). ‘The interaction effect of gender and ethnicity in loan approval: A Bayesian estimation with data from a laboratory field experiment’. Review of Development Economics 24 (3): 726–749.
Gonzales, R., Rojas-Hosse, A. (2019). ‘Inflation shocks and income inequality: An analysis with genetic algorithms and Bayesian quantile regressions’. African Journal of Economic and Management Studies 10 (2): 226–240.
Gonzales Martinez, R. (2019). ‘Which social program supports sustainable grass-root finance? Machine-learning evidence’. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, volume 27(5), pp.389–395.
Gonzales Martinez, R. (2017). ‘Balancing Input-Output tables with Bayesian slave-raiding ants.’ Statistical Journal of the IAOS. vol. 33, pp.943–949.
Gonzales Martinez, R. (2015). ‘Una Aproximación Bayesiana a la Medición de la Vulnerabilidad Poblacional a Desastres Naturales. Notas de Población’ (United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC), año XLII, no. 100, pp.171–194.