Dr Suman Seth

Suman is a Research Associate at OPHI, and previously worked for five years as a Researcher and then Senior Researcher at OPHI. With OPHI researchers, he co-authored Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis published by the Oxford University Press. He has also co-authored a book with Professor James Foster on income poverty measurement published by the World Bank.
He is an Associate Professor of Economics at the Leeds University Business School. He has consulted for the Regional Bureau of Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Development Research Groups at the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank.
PhD in Economics, Vanderbilt University
MPhil in Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University -
Research interests
Development Economics, with a particular emphasis on measurement methodologies and policy-oriented applications.
Selected publications
Seth, S. and Tutor, M. J. (2021). 'Evaluation of anti-poverty programs’ impact on joint disadvantages: Insights from the Philippine experience', Review of Income and Wealth, 67, 977–1004
Seth S. and Yalonetzky G. (2021). 'A mobility decomposition of absolute measures of panel distributional change', Economics Letters, 201, Link.
Seth, S. and G. Yalonetzky (2021), Assessing deprivation with an ordinal variable: theory and application to sanitation deprivation in Bangladesh, World Bank Economic Review, 35, 793–811.
Seth S. and McGillivray M. (2018). ‘Composite Indices, Alternative Weights, and Comparison Robustness’, Social Choice and Welfare, vol 51, pp. 657–679.
Alkire S. and Seth S. (2015). ‘Multidimensional Poverty Reduction in India between 1999 and 2006: Where and How?’ World Development, vol 72, pp. 93–108.
Alkire S., J. E. Foster, S. Seth, M. E. Santos, J. M. Roche, and P. Ballon (2015). Multidimensional Poverty: Measurement and Analysis, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Foster J. E., Seth S., Lokshin M., and Sajaia Z. (2013). A Unified Approach to Measuring Poverty and Inequality: Theory and Practice, The World Bank: Washington D.C.
Seth, S. (2013). ‘A Class of Distribution and Association Sensitive Multidimensional Welfare Indices’, Journal of Economic Inequality, vol 11 (2), pp. 133–162.