Dr Ricardo Nogales

Ricardo Nogales is a Research Associate at OPHI conducting research into the robustness and stability of multidimensional poverty measures, as well as econometric analyses of poverty. He also works in outreach, training governments in how to build multidimensional poverty indices (MPIs).
Before joining OPHI in May 2018, he was an Associate Professor of Economics at the School of Economics and Finance of the Universidad Privada Boliviana in Bolivia, a Research Assistant at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) in Switzerland, and a Research Assistant at the Laboratory of Applied Economics of the University of Geneva. He has conducted research in the field of development economics, poverty reduction and human development with the IDB, GIZ, UNDP, ILO, World Bank, Oxfam, and IDRC. He is a lecturer in economics at Universidad Privada Boliviana and a Fellow of the Global Labour organisation.
PhD in Econometrics, University of Geneva
MSc in Economics, University of Geneva
BSc in Economics, University of Geneva -
Research interests
Econometric analyses of poverty, inequality, labour markets, and human development.
Selected publications
Journal articles
Nogales, R., Alcaraz A., Lopez, D., Ravillard, P. and Hallack M. (2024). 'Bolivia’s domestic electricity cost supporting scheme during COVID-19: Changes in electricity consumption and household welfare', Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, vol. 19, 2024, Issue 1.
Evans, M., Nogales., R. and Robson, M. (2024) Monetary and Multidimensional Poverty: Correlations, Mismatches, and a Combined Approach 2024. Journal of Development Studies, Vol 60, 2024, Issue 1.
Nogales, R. and Oldiges, C. (2023). ‘Multidimensional poverty and conflict events in Nigeria over time’, International Political Science Review, Vol 45, Issue 1.
Alam, A., Dutta, I., Haque A. and Nogales, R. (2022). ‘Impact of Rohingya refugees on food prices in Bangladesh: Evidence from a natural experiment’, World Development, vol. 154, paper 105873.
Alkire, S., Kanagaratnam, U., Nogales, R. and Suppa, N. (2022). ‘Revising the global Multidimensional Poverty Index: Empirical insights and robustness’, Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 68(S2).
Alkire, S., Nogales, R., Quinn, N.N., and Suppa, N. (2021). ‘Global multidimensional poverty and COVID-19: A decade of progress at risk?’, Social Science and Medicine, available online 9 October 2021, paper No. 114457.
Dutta, I., Nogales, R, and Yalonetzky, G. (2021). ‘Endogenous weights and multidimensional poverty: A cautionary tale’, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 151, paper No. 102649.
Nogales, R. and Oldiges, C. (2021). ‘International Labour Migration and the Many Forms of Poverty’, Migration Studies, vol. 9, Issue 1, pp. 115–141.
Nogales, R., Cordova, P. and Urquidi, M. (2020). ‘The impact of university reputation on employment opportunities: Experimental evidence from Bolivia’, The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 31(4): 524–542.
Anand, P., Ferrer, B., Gao, Q., Nogales, R. and Unterhalter, E. (2020). ‘COVID-19 as a Capability Crisis: Using the Capability Framework to Understand Policy Challenges’, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 21(3): 293–299.
Olave, M., Nogales, R., Córdova, P., and Rejas, B. (2020). ‘Bolivia: Una nueva mirada al rol de los recursos naturales en el crecimiento económico’, Latin American Research Review, 55(1), 81–98. DOI: http://doi.org/10.25222/larr.176
Krishnakumar, J. and Nogales, R. (2020). ‘Education, skills and a good job: A multidimensional econometric analysis’. Word Development 128: 1-17.
Krishnakumar, J. and Nogales, R. (2020). ‘Public policies and equality of opportunity for wellbeing in multiple dimensions: A theoretical discussion and evidence from Bolivia’, Social Indicators Research, Vol. 149, pp. 297–325.
Nogales, R. and Cordova, P. (2019). ‘On the advantages and feasibility of weather index-based crop insurance schemes in Bolivia’, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 1:1–19.
Nogales, R., Córdova, P., and Urquidi, M. (2019). ‘On the relationship between labor market policies and outcomes in Bolivia: A search and matching approach’, Estudios de Economía, 46(1), pp. 61–87.
Book chapters
Krishnakumar, J. and Nogales, R. (2018). ‘Demystifying the use of simultaneous equation models for the operationalisation of the Capability Approach’, in F. Comim, S. Fennell and P.B. Anand (eds.), New Frontiers of the Capability Approach. Cambridge University Press, ch. 11.
Krishnakumar, J. and Nogales, R. (2017). ‘Public policies for wellbeing with justice: A theoretical discussion based on capabilities and opportunities’, In Muñoz I., Blondet M. and Gamio G (eds.), Ética, Agencia y Desarrollo Humano (p. 99-126). Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima-Peru, ISBN: 9786123172473. (First published in International Journal of Wellbeing, 5(3), 44–62).
Alem, J., Nogales, R. and Foronda, C. (2010). ‘Bolivia Frente a la Comercialización y la Competencia en las Microfinanzas, qué rol deben tener las políticas públicas’, in Balkenhol B. and Valazza A. (eds.), Microfinanzas y Políticas Públicas, ILO, Geneva, (p. 173-192). ISBN: 978-92-2-319347-8.