Dr Maria Emma Santos

Maria Emma is a Research Associate at OPHI and a Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET), Argentina. Her research interests include the measurement and analysis of chronic and multidimensional poverty, the quality of education, its determinants, and its role for poverty persistence. She is particularly interested in Latin American countries. Her Twitter is @MaEmmaSantos.
PhD in Economics, Universidad Nacional del Sur in Argentina
Research interests
Chronic and multidimensional poverty; Inequality measurement; Quality of Education; Education
Selected publications
Ballón P., Foster J., Roche J. M., Santos M. E., and S. Seth (2015). Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis: A Counting Approach, Oxford: Oxford University Press.Villatoro P., Mancero X., and Gerstenfeld P., (2015). ‘A Multidimensional Poverty Index for Latin America’, OPHI Working Paper 79, University of Oxford.
Alkire S., Ballón P., Foster J., Roche J. M., Santos M. E., and S. Seth (2015). ‘Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis: Chapter 4 – Counting Approaches: Definitions, Origins, and Implementations’, OPHI Working Paper 85: University of Oxford.
Alkire S., Ballón P., Foster J., Roche J. M., Santos M. E., and S. Seth (2015). ‘Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis: Chapter 3 – Overview of Methods for Multidimensional Poverty Assessment’, OPHI Working Paper 84: University of Oxford.
Alkire S., Ballón P., Foster J., Roche J. M., Santos M. E., and S. Seth (2015). ‘Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis: Chapter 2 – The Framework,’ OPHI Working Paper 83: University of Oxford.
Alkire S., Ballón P., Foster J., Roche J. M., Santos M. E., and S. Seth (2014). ‘Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis: Chapter 1 – Introduction,’ OPHI Working Paper 82, University of Oxford.Santos M. E., and Santos, G., (2014). ‘Composite indices of development’, In (Currie-Alder B. et al. Eds.) International development: Ideas, experience and prospects, Oxford, OUP.
Santos M. E., (2014). ‘Measuring Multidimensional Poverty in Latin America: Previous Experience and the Way Forward.’ OPHI Working Paper 66, University of Oxford.
Santos M. E., (2014). ‘Measuring Acute Poverty in the Developing World: Robustness and Scope of the Multidimensional Poverty Index’, World Development, vol 59, pp. 251–274.
Santos M. E., (2013). ‘Multidimensional poverty measurement: motivation, approaches, methodological issues and axiomatic indices.’ In (UNESCO Ed.) Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS): Quality of Human Resources, Oxford, EOLSS PublishersSamman E. and Santos M. E., (2013). ‘Poor and dissatisfied? Income poverty, poverty transitions and life satisfaction in Chile’, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, vol. 21(1), pp. 19–31.
Santos M. E., (2013). ‘Tracking poverty reduction on Bhutan: Income deprivation alongside deprivation in other sources of happiness’, Social Indicators Research, vol. 112(2), pp. 259–290.
Alkire S., and Santos M. E., (2013). ‘Multidimensional approach: Poverty measurement and beyond’, Social Indicators Research, vol. 112(2), pp. 239–257.
Battiston D., Cruces G., Lopez Calca L. F., Lungo M. A. and Santos M. E. (2013). ‘Income and beyond: Multidimensional poverty in six Latin American countries’, Social Indicators Research, vol. 112(2), pp. 291–314.
Foster J. E. and Santos M. E. (2013). ‘Measuring Chronic Poverty’, in (Betti G. and Lemmi A. eds.), Poverty and Social Exclusion: New Methods of Analysis, Routledge, London, New York.
Santos M. E. (2011). ‘Where did identification go?’, The Journal of Economic Inequality, vol. 9(3), pp 501-505Alkire S. and Santos M. E. (2011). ‘Acute Multidimensional Poverty: A new index for developing countries’, OPHI Working Paper 38, UNDP HDRO Background Paper 2010/11, University of Oxford.
Santos M. E. (2011). ‘Human Capital and the Quality of Education in a Poverty Trap Model’, Oxford Development Studies, vol. 39(1), pp. 25–47.
Alkire S., Santos M. E., Seth S. and Yalonetzky G. (2010). ‘Is the Multidimensional Poverty Index robust to different weights?’, OPHI Research in Progress 22a, University of Oxford.2009
Battiston D., Cruces G., Lopez Calva L.F., Lugo M.A and Santos M. E. (2009) ‘Income and Beyond: Multidimensional Poverty in Six Latin American Countries’, OPHI Working Paper 17, University of Oxford.Samman E., Santos M. E., and Yalonetzky G. (2009). “Agencia de los padres y logros de los hijos: Explorando el caso de America Latina,” OPHI Research in Progress 12a, University of Oxford.
Samman E. and Santos M. E., (2009). ‘Agency and Empowerment: A review of concepts, indicators and empirical evidence’, OPHI Research in Progress 10a, University of Oxford.
Alkire S., Santos M. E., and Ura K. (2008). ‘Gross National Happiness and Poverty in Bhutan: Applying the GNH Index Methodology to explore Poverty’, OPHI Research in Progress 4a, University of Oxford.Santos M. E., and Ura K. (2008). ‘Multidimensional Poverty in Bhutan: Estimates and Policy Implications’, OPHI Working Paper 14, University of Oxford.
Santos M. E. (2007). ‘Factors influencing income inequality across urban Argentina (1998-2003),’ in S. Klasen and F. Nowak-Lehmann (Eds.) Analysis of Poverty, Inequality, and Migration in Latin America, pp. 155–1980, Frankfurt a.M. Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften1997
Santos M. E. (1997). ‘Quality of Education in Argentina: Determinants and Distribution using PISA 2000 test scores’, Wellbeing and Social Policy, vol. 3(1), pp. 93–119