Dr José Manuel Roche

Research Associate


José Manuel is a Research Associate at OPHI, and co-authored Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis published by the Oxford University Press. He has over 20 years of research and policy experience in international development, human development, poverty and inequality analysis, horizon scanning and strategic foresight, while working for civil society organizations, governments, and academia. 

He has held various research and advisory roles for international agencies (including the World Bank, UNDP, UNICEF, ECLAC, Asian Development Bank), international NGOs (Save the Children, Care, Oxfam and World Vision) and national governments (Colombia, Venezuela, Egypt, Chile, Brazil, Indonesia, Bhutan and Malaysia). 

He has been a lecturer and taught various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the University of Oxford, University of Sussex and University College of London. On Twitter he is @jomroche.

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  • Education

    PhD in Sociology, University of Sussex

  • Research interests

    International development; poverty analysis; social inequality; child poverty; human development 

  • Selected publications

    Samuels, F., Roche, J. M., Dang, H.-M., Ho, H., Vu, V., Nguyen, P., Nguyen, N., Samman, E., Plank, G., and Pellini, A. (forthcoming). 'Mental health and psychosocial well-being among adolescents in Viet Nam: Findings from a mixed-methods baseline study', ODI Report Annexes. London: ODI.

    León-Himmelstine, C., Samman, E., Kyungu, E., Roche, J.M., Festo, C., Plank, G., Amani, E., Samuels, F. and Pellini, A. (2021). ‘Mental health and psychosocial well-being among adolescents in Tanzania: Findings from a mixed-methods baseline study’, ODI Report. London: ODI (www.odi.org/en/publications/mental-health-and-psychosocial-well-being-among-adolescents-in-tanzania-baseline).

    Binat Sarwar, M., Benitez Moreno, D., Homonchuk, O., Roche, J.M. and Nicolai, S. (2021). ‘Pathways towards quality primary education: Improving completion and learning outcomes’, Overseas Development Institute, London.

    Samman, E., Roche, J.M., Binat Sarwar, M. and Evans, M.  (2021). ‘‘Leave No one behind’ – five years into agenda 2030. Guidelines for turning the concept into action", London: Overseas Development Institute.

    Roche, J.M., Riveong, D., Glenday, P. and C. Tully (2019). ‘The future is ours: Strategic foresight toolkit – making better decisions’, London: Save the Children.

    Alkire, S., Roche, J. M., and Vaz, A. (2017). ‘Changes over time in multidimensional poverty: Methodology and results for 34 countries’, World Development, vol. 94, pp. 232–249.

    Shaheen , F., Glennie, J., Lenhardt, A., and  Roche, J.M. (2016). ‘Every last child: Social exclusion and the SDGs’, London: Save the Children.

    Roche, J.M., Wise, L., Gugushvili, D. and Hanna, L. (2015). ‘The lottery of birth: Giving all children an equal chance to survive’, London: Save the Children.

    Alkire, S., Ballón, P., Foster, J., Roche, J.M., Santos, M.E., and Seth, S. (2015). Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Alkire, S., Roche, J. M., Seth, S., and Sumner, A. (2014). ‘Identifying the poorest people and groups: Strategies using the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index’, Journal of International Development, vol. 27(3), pp. 362–387.

    O’Reilly, J., Roche, J.M. and Nazio, T.  (2014). ‘Compromising conventions: Attitudes to families and maternal employment in Denmark, Poland, Spain and the UK’, Work, Employment and Society, vol. 28(2), pp. 168–188. 

    Kite, G., Roche, J.M., and Wise, L. (2014). ‘Leavingn no one behind under the Post-2015 framework: Incentivising equitable progress through data disaggregation and interim targets’, Development, vol. 57(3-4), pp. 376–387.

    Roche, J. M.  (2013). ‘Monitoring progress in child poverty reduction: Methodological insights and illustration to the case study of Bangladesh’, Journal of Social Indicators Research, vol. 112(2), pp. 363–390.

    Gallo, C. and Roche, J.M. (2012). ‘Análisis multidimensional de la pobreza en Venezuela por entidades federales entre 2001 y 2010’, Serie de Documentos N° 131, Caracas: Banco Central de Venezuela.

    Gallo, C. and Roche, J.M. (2011). ‘Las dimensiones de la pobreza en Venezuela y sus cambios entre 1997 y 2010: propuesta de una medida multidimensional’, Serie de Documentos N° 126, Caracas: Banco Central de Venezuela.

    Roche, J. M.  (2008). ‘Monitoring inequality among social groups: A Methodology combining Fuzzy Set Theory and Principal Component Analysis’, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, vol. 9(3), pp 427–452.