Colombia MPI
MPI originally introduced: 2011
Latest MPI results: Colombia MPI 2022
The latest MPI results were published by DANE in 2023 based on the Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida (ECV) 2022 expanded by population projections from the Censo National de Población y Vivienda (CNPV).
- DANE (2023). Pobreza multidimensional: Resultados 2022
- View all data on multidimensional poverty for Colombia DANE - Pobreza multidimensional
Previous results
The Colombian MPI was launched in August 2011 during the administration of President Juan Manuel Santos. In 2012, the CONPES 150 established that the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) was the entity in charge of estimating and publishing indicators for monitoring monetary and multidimensional poverty.
From 2011 to 2018, the Colombia MPI results used the Censo General 2005 for population projections. From 2019, they used the CNPV 2018.
- DANE - Pobreza multidimensional en Colombia 2011
- DANE - Pobreza multidimensional en Colombia 2012
- DANE - Pobreza multidimensional en Colombia 2013
- DANE - Pobreza multidimensional en Colombia 2014
- DANE - Pobreza multidimensional en Colombia 2015
- DANE - Pobreza multidimensional en Colombia 2016
- DANE - Pobreza multidimensional en Colombia 2017
- DANE - Pobreza multidimensional en Colombia 2018
- DANE - Pobreza multidimensional en Colombia 2019
- DANE - Pobreza multidimensional en Colombia 2020
- DANE - Pobreza multidimensional en Colombia 2021
DANE introduced a Municipal MPI in 2020 based on the National Household and Population Census data – the CNPV 2018 – which offers a detailed picture of the incidence of multidimensional poverty within each municipality. The MPI computed with the CNPV follows the same structure as the national MPI, with only one change in the indicator of long unemployment, which is replaced by the dependency ratio. DANE used administrative records for the first time to compute five of the 15 MPI indicators at the municipal level.
- National Results: Medida de Pobreza Multidimensional Municipal de Fuente Censal 2018
Colombia has been a member of the Steering Committee of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network since the MPPN was established in 2013.
Country MPI structure: dimensions and indicators
Poverty Cut-Off: A person is considered poor if they are deprived in more than a third of the 15 weighted indicators.

Source: Mercado (
Global MPI
The annual global MPI produced by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative in partnership with the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme is an internationally comparable index of acute multidimensional poverty. OPHI publishes Country Briefings summarising poverty statistics of the global MPI for each country.
Visit the most recent Global MPI Country Briefing for Colombia based on DHS year 2015-2016.
More info
Official institution responsible for statistics
Additional materials:
- Technical Analysis of MPI results of the Censo Nacional de Población y Vivienda 2018 and Encuesta de Calidad de Vida 2020 (2021)
- Technical Note for COVID19 Analysis and Indicator Adjustment 2020 (2021)
- Official document establishing the MPI as an official poverty statistic in Colombia: CONPES 150 (2012)
- How is poverty measured in Colombia? (Video, Spanish)
- Índice de Pobreza Multidimensional para Colombia (IPM-Colombia) 1997-2010
- 24 September 2013 | Intervention by Paula Caballero Director of Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs, Colombia at UNGA 68 Side Event
- 25 September 2014 | Intervention by H.E. Tatyana Orozco de la Cruz, Director of the Department for Social Prosperity at UNGA 69 Side Event
- 7 March 2016 | Intervention by Mauricio Perfetti, Director, Administrative Department of National Statistics, Colombia at UNSC 47 Side Event
- 22 September 2016 | Intervention by H.E. Tatyana Orozco de la Cruz, Director of the Department for Social Prosperity, delivering the speech of H.E. Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia at UNGA 71 Side Event
- 7 March 2017 | Intervention by Mauricio Perfetti, Director, Administrative Department of National Statistics, Colombia at UNSC 48 Side Event
- 19 September 2017 | Intervention by H.E. Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia at UNGA 72 Side Event
- 7 March 2018 | Intervention by Carlos Felipe Prada, Deputy Director, Administrative Department of National Statistics (DANE) at UNSC 49 Side Event
- 5 March 2019 | Intervention by H.E. Juan Daniel Oviedo Arango, Director General, National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) at UNSC 50 Side Event
- 5 March 2020 | Intervention by Juan Daniel Oviedo Arango, Director General, National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) at UNSC 51 Side Event
- 24 September 2020 | Intervention by H.E. Daniel Gómez Gaviria, Subdirector, Department of National Planning at UNGA 75 Side Event
- 25 February 2021 | Intervention by Juan Daniel Oviedo, Director, National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) at UNSC 52 Side Event
- 23 September 2021 | Intervention by H.E. Alejandra Botero, Director of the Department of National Planning at UNGA 76 Side Event
- 23 September 2022 | Intervention by H.E. Jorge Iván González, Director of the Department of National Planning at UNGA 77 Side Event
- 28 February 2023 | Intervention by Carlos Ramirez, Poverty Analysis Coordinator, National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) at UNSC 54 Side Event
- 20 September 2023 | Intervention by H.E. Francia Elena Márquez Mina, Vice President, Colombia at UNGA 78 Side Event
Dimensions articles:
- October 2016 | Roberto Angulo | Multidimensional poverty measurement in Colombia. What lessons can we learn?
- October 2016 | Diego Zavaleta and Roberto Angulo | National Roundtable to Reduce Poverty and Inequality. (Summary, Spanish Version, MPPN Policy Briefing)
- August 2017 | Silvia Botello Moncada Multi… what? Teaching How to Explain the Differences between Multidimensional and Monetary Poverty.
- May 2017 | Interview with Tatyana Orozco, Director of Department for Social Prosperity
- November 2018 | Diego Zavaleta and Carolina Moreno | Monitoring SDGs through an MPI: The Case of Colombia.
- November 2018 | Roberto Angulo and Diego Zavaleta | Building Scenarios for Setting MPI Goals: Form Multidimensional Measurement to Multisector Public Policy.
- April 2019 | John Hammock | Two Key Aspects to Tackle Poverty in its many Dimensions
- April 2019 | Interview with former President Juan Manuel Santos
- May 2020 | Interview with Juan Daniel Ovideo by Felipe Roa Clavijo | Using the MPI as a tool for crafting government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- May 2020 | Data of the Month: Colombia Municipal MPI
- February 2020 | Colombia launches a Municipal Multidimensional Poverty Measure
- February 2020 | Report on Juan Daniel Oviedo’s intervention in the MPPN conference call by Felipe Roa-Clavijo
- June 2021 | Interview with Laura Pabón, Director, Social Development, National Planning Department, by Felipe Roa-Clavijo
Press Releases/News:
- 28 September 2010 | Colombia Announces Proposal for new National Multidimensional Poverty Measure
- 22 August 2011 | Colombia adopts world’s first poverty reduction plan to use new Oxford University measure
- 30 August 2011 | Guardian article: Jonathan Glennie: Colombia’s new index to measure poverty merits a cautious welcome
- 10 September 2011 | Semana | Igual de desiguales (“Equally unequal”)
- 3 October 2011 | Head of ELAC comments on Colombia’s new poverty measure
- 24 April 2013 | Colombia’s President announces fall on multidimensional poverty
- 31 May 2013 | Colombia and Mexico guide new network for governments to tackle global poverty
- 2013 | El País | “Tengo mis líneas rojas y sé qué ceder; de ahí no me mueve nadie”
- 4 November 2016 | President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia is awarded Nobel Peace Prize
- 22 March 2017 | Seminar on ‘MPI: its impact on social policy in Colombia’ at the University of Bogotá Colombia
- 30 November 2018 | Juan Manuel Santos launches Visiting Professorship with public lecture, informal meetings
Voluntary National Reviews
- 2016 | Presentación Nacional Voluntaria de Colombia 2016 p.p. 27, 30
- 2018 | Reporte Nacional Voluntario Colombia p.p. 25, 128
- 2021 | Acelerar la Implementacion Para Una Recuperacion Sostenible p. 28
- 2024 | Colombia Reporte Nacional Voluntario 2024, p. 130