OPHI launches Dimensions Magazine
Dimensions Magazine is the new communication tool of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network, a platform of 53 countries that support policymakers to develop multidimensional poverty measures.
Dimensions shows different countries experiences in the elaboration process of multidimensional poverty measures through interviews with key people, short articles and columns. Dimensions will be published every two months.
Sabina Alkire, OPHI Director, says: “Making MPPN’s work known, sharing experiences and showing how it has been done or what is being done is vital to provide support to a community concerned about not leaving anyone behind, with empirically sustained policies that help eliminate people’s many deprivations”.
OPHI hosts the MPPN Secretariat, manages and coordinates the network, along with the network website.
We invite you to read and share Dimensions with your friends and colleagues.