OPHI joins G20 Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty as a founding member

16 September 2024

OPHI is proud to announce its official adhesion to the G20-led Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty. OPHI joins the Alliance to collaborate with members of the Global Alliance to achieve lasting solutions to poverty and hunger worldwide. The Global Alliance aims to mobilise funds, knowledge, and resources towards the implementation of effective public policies and social technologies that tackle hunger and poverty on a global scale. 

The Task Force for the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty was proposed by Brazil as a key priority for its G20 presidency.

OPHI Director, Sabina Alkire, commented on the official adhesion: “We are delighted to join the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty and contribute to working together to focus and direct our energies towards eradicating the worst forms of poverty and hunger in partnership with their protagonists.” 

In being officially recognised as part of this initiative, OPHI affirms its commitment to the Global Alliance’s mission and principles. These include acknowledging that hunger and malnutrition are persistent consequences of structural poverty and inequality and endorsing the Global Alliance’s efforts to eradicate hunger and poverty (SDGs 1 and 2) while reducing inequalities (SDG 10) and contributing to revitalizing global partnerships for sustainable development (SDG 17) and to the achievement of other interlinked SDGs. 

In the Statements of Commitment, OPHI also notes that it is crucial for the world to unite behind large-scale, integrated approaches combining international, regional, national, and local levels, that recognize the interconnected nature of challenges and solutions to hunger and poverty. OPHI particularly recognises the high value and positive impact of quality implementation of national and local country-owned, inclusive policy instruments and programmes, focused on the poorest and most vulnerable in the fields such as poverty reduction. OPHI acknowledges the Global Alliance’s ‘Policy Basket’ as a valuable resource for guiding collective action and improving international coordination. 

As a member of the Global Alliance, OPHI commits to technical assistance and knowledge sharing, coordinated activities with the Global Alliance’s organisations, and innovative solutions and knowledge exchange with other members. In particular, these include supporting Alliance member governments to develop national and global measures for multidimensional poverty and wellbeing based on the Alkire-Foster method, improving policy instruments and actions based on MPI evidence, training senior policymakers and facilitating peer-to-peer exchange on how the MPI can help guide multisectoral, integrated and transparent poverty reduction interventions, and informing members on how MPI can track progress towards SDG goals. 

By joining the Global Alliance, OPHI reinforces its commitment to contributing to the global effort to eradicate poverty and hunger by supporting the implementation of effective, country-led policy instruments and programmes aimed at addressing these urgent global challenges.