Media Advisory: Parliament’s Economic Think Tank to Host Roundtable on Poverty-Fighting Measures

15 October 2024
Press releases

Parliament, Tuesday, 15 October 2024 – The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO), in partnership with the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network (MPPN), will host a two-day hybrid roundtable to enhance Members of Parliament's (MPs) capacity in using the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) for oversight purposes. The event aims to foster knowledge-sharing on poverty measurement and reduction strategies.

Established in 2013 under the Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act of 2009, the PBO is a nonpartisan entity that provides independent research and analysis on the budget’s impact on the economy, society, and public finances. It ensures that Parliament’s decisions on budgets and money bills are made in an informed and transparent manner by offering objective, professional advice.

The MPPN is a global network of over 63 countries and 20 international organisations dedicated to developing and applying multidimensional poverty indices to combat poverty more effectively. The MPPN Secretariat is based at the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) at the University of Oxford.

The roundtable, scheduled for 17 and 18 October 2024 at Parliament, will convene key stakeholders from government, international agencies, business, labour, and civil society. Discussions will focus on the challenges, opportunities, and best practices for addressing poverty in South Africa using the MPI. The event aligns with Parliament’s commitment to poverty eradication and endeavours to stimulate national dialogue on tailored approaches to tackle poverty in South Africa.

The event will feature a distinguished list of speakers, including:

- Ms Corinne Mitchell, Executive Director, OPHI
- Dr Pali Lehohla, MPPN South African Representative
- Mr Solly Molayi, Acting Deputy Director of Population and Social Statistics, Statistics South Africa
- Dr Asghar Adelzadeh, Applied Development Research Solution
- Dr Shanelle van der Berg, United Nations Human Rights
- Professor Somadoda Fikeni, Indlulamithi Scenarios
- Ms Sara Hamouda, AU Agenda 2063


Date: 17 - 18 October 2024
Time: 08:00 to 18:00
Venue: Day 1 to be held at Committee Room S12A, NCOP, Parliament, Cape Town. Day 2 to be held in Good Hope Chamber, Parliament, Cape Town

Journalists wishing to attend the roundtable in person must submit their details (full name, media house, and ID/passport number) to Manelisi Ntsodo at

Parliamentary sittings are open to the media and public. Journalists who wish to cover these proceedings, including receiving virtual meeting links, should send their cellphone numbers to Mlindi Mpindi at for inclusion in the Parliamentary Communications Services WhatsApp Group. All media requests must be submitted from official email addresses.

Public Access:
Members of the public can follow the proceedings live on Parliament TV (DSTV Channel 408) or via live streaming on Parliament’s YouTube channel, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter) pages.


Enquiries: Moloto Mothapo
