Identifying the Poorest People and Groups: Strategies using the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index

08 December 2014

A new OPHI working paper has compared three different approaches to identifying where the poorest billion people in the world live.

Looking at data from household surveys across more than a hundred countries, the researchers used an internationally comparable multidimensional poverty index (MPI) to identify:

  • the poorest billion people living in the poorest countries in the world;
  • the poorest billion people in the poorest subnational regions; and
  • the poorest billion according to the intensity of their deprivations.

Although there were commonalities across these three approaches, they produced notably different results that are relevant to discussions of the sustainable development goals.

Read the full paper

Identifying the Poorest People and Groups: Strategies using the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index’, by Sabina Alkire, José Manuel Roche, Suman Seth and Andy Sumner, was published in the OPHI working paper series in November 2014.