Mexico Measure

Multidimensional poverty measurement originally introduced:  2009

Latest poverty results: Mexico's multidimensional poverty 2022

The 2022 results for multidimensional poverty are based on the Census, Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares (ENIGH) 2022, published by Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) in July 2023.

Previous results

Mexico has been a member of the Steering Committee of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network since the MPPN was established in 2013. 

Mexican poverty measurement: dimensions and indicators 

Poverty Cut-Off: A person is considered poor if they are income poor and deprived in one or more social indicators. 

Global MPI  

The annual global MPI produced by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative in partnership with the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme is an internationally comparable index of acute multidimensional poverty. OPHI publishes Country Briefings summarising poverty statistics of the global MPI for each country.     

Visit the most recent Global MPI Country Briefing for Mexico based on ENSANUT year 2022.   

More info

Official institution responsible for statistics 

Additional materials


Dimensions articles 

Press Releases/News 

Cover of Mexico MPI report 2022