Colombia MPI

MPI originally introduced:  2011

Latest MPI results: Colombia MPI 2022 

The latest MPI results were published by DANE in 2023 based on the Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida (ECV) 2022 expanded by population projections from the Censo National de Población y Vivienda (CNPV). 

Previous results 

The Colombian MPI was launched in August 2011 during the administration of President Juan Manuel Santos. In 2012, the CONPES 150 established that the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) was the entity in charge of estimating and publishing indicators for monitoring monetary and multidimensional poverty. 

From 2011 to 2018, the Colombia MPI results used the Censo General 2005 for population projections. From 2019, they used the CNPV 2018. 

DANE introduced a Municipal MPI in 2020 based on the National Household and Population Census data – the CNPV 2018 – which offers a detailed picture of the incidence of multidimensional poverty within each municipality. The MPI computed with the CNPV follows the same structure as the national MPI, with only one change in the indicator of long unemployment, which is replaced by the dependency ratio. DANE used administrative records for the first time to compute five of the 15 MPI indicators at the municipal level. 

Colombia has been a member of the Steering Committee of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network since the MPPN was established in 2013. 

Country MPI structure: dimensions and indicators 

Poverty Cut-Off: A person is considered poor if they are deprived in more than a third of the 15 weighted indicators.  

Global MPI

The annual global MPI produced by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative in partnership with the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme is an internationally comparable index of acute multidimensional poverty. OPHI publishes Country Briefings summarising poverty statistics of the global MPI for each country.     

Visit the most recent Global MPI Country Briefing for Colombia based on DHS year 2015-2016.   

More info

Official institution responsible for statistics  

Additional materials:  


Dimensions articles: 

Press Releases/News: 

Voluntary National Reviews 

Cover of Colombia MPI results 2022