Chile MPI
MPI originally introduced: 2015
Latest results: Chile MPI 2023
In 2023, Chile published multidimensional poverty results for households based on the Encuesta de Caracterización Socioeconómica Nacional (CASEN) household survey.
- Citation: Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia (2023): Informe de Desarrollo Social y Familia (2023)
Previous results
In 2015, the Ministry of Social Development published the first national MPI results based on the CASEN household survey 2009, 2011, and 2013.
- Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia (2015). Informe de Desarrollo Social (2015)
The Chile MPI was modified in 2016 and the results were based on the new methodology to add local environment to the housing dimension and a fifth innovative dimension: network and social cohesion.
- Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia (2016). Informe de Desarrollo Social (2016)
- Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia (2017). Informe de Desarrollo Social (2017)
- Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia (2018). Informe de Desarrollo Social (2018)
- Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia (2019). Informe de Desarrollo Social (2019)
- Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia (2020). Informe de Desarrollo Social (2020)
As a result of the pandemic, Chile decided to use telephone surveys for data collection and adjust the CASEN questionnaire, therefore in 2020 it was not possible to compute the 15 indicators of the MPI, and only 10 have information.
- Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia (2021). Informe de Desarrollo Social (2021)
Chile MPI structure: dimensions and indicators
Poverty Cut-Off: A person is identified as poor if they are deprived in at least 22.5% of all 15 weighted indicators.

Source: Social Development Report (2017), p.13
Source: Social Development Report (2016), p. 10-11
More info on National MPI of Chile
Official institution responsible for statistics
- 24 September 2024 | Intervention by Javiera Toro Cáceres, Minister of Social Development and Family, at UNGA 79 Side Meeting
- 2021 | Chile as host of the 8th High-Level Annual Meeting of MPPN
- 2021 | Intervention by Chaney John, Director General, Angola National Statistics Office, at UNSC 52 Side Event
- 24 September 2020 | Intervention by H.E. Sebastian Piñera, President of Chile as host of UNGA 75 Side Event.
- 5 March 2020 | Intervention by Sandra Quijada, National Director, National Institute of Statistics (INE), at the UNSC 51 Side Event
- 25 September 2019 | Intervention by H.E. Teodoro Ribera Neumann, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chile at UNGA 74 Side Event
- 2019 | Presentation by Alejandra Candia, Deputy Minister of Social Development, at thematic conference on ‘Exchanging experience in Child Multidimensional Poverty Measurements and Reduction’ (Video)
- 2017 | Presentation on ‘Designing an MPI’ by Heidi Berner, Vice Minister, Ministry of Social Development, at 5th High-Level Annual Meeting of MPPN (2017)
- 2017 | Intervention by Heidi Berner, Vice Minister, Ministry of Social Development, at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (2017)
- 2016 | Intervention (Video) by Heidi Berner, Vice Minister, Ministry of Social Development, at 4th High-Level Annual Meeting of MPPN
- 27 September 2015 | Intervention by H.E. Marcos Barraza Gómez, Minister of Social Development of Chile at UNGA 70 Side Event
- 24 September 2013 | Intervention by Bruno Baranda, Minister of Social Development, at UNGA 68 Side Event
Dimensions articles
- February 2017 | Interview with Heidi Berner, Undersecretary of Social Evaluation of the Minstry of Social Development
- May 2017 | How was the Chilean Multidimensional Poverty Index created?
- June 2018 | Michelle Bachelet | The Chilean Experience: Multidimensional poverty measurement and indicators of local environment and social network
Press releases/news
- 20 Feb 2014 | New multidimensional measure of extreme poverty and vulnerability proposed in Chile
- 25 January 2015 | Chile announces national Multidimensional Poverty Index
Voluntary National Review
- 2023 | Informe Nacional Voluntario Chile 2023 pp. 38-39, 50, 235
- 2019 | Informe Nacional Voluntario Chile 2019 pp. 38-9
- 2017 | Informe Nacional Voluntario: Consejo Nacional para la Implementación de la Agenda 2030 el Desarrollo Sostenible pp. 2, 20, 22, 57-61