Botswana Pilot MPI
Pilot MPI originally introduced: 2021
Latest results: Botswana Pilot MPI 2021
In 2021, Botswana published a report on a pilot MPI using the Botswana Multi-Topic Household Survey (BMTHS) of 2015/16. The report was prepared by Statistics Botswana in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
- Statistics Botswana (2021). Pilot National Multidimensional Poverty Index Report 2021
Botswana Pilot MPI structure: dimensions and indicators
Poverty Cut-Off: A person is identified as poor if they are deprived in at least 40% of all weighted indicators.

Source: Pilot National Multidimensional Poverty Index 2021, p.9
Global MPI
The annual global MPI produced by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative in partnership with the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme is an internationally comparable index of acute multidimensional poverty and includes Country Briefings summarising poverty statistics for each country.
Visit the most recent Global MPI Country Briefing for Botswana based on BMTHS 2015-2016.
More info on multidimensional poverty in Botswana
Institution responsible for statistics
- 24 September 2021 | Intervention by H.E. Mokgweetsi Masisi, President of Botswana, at the MPPN Side Event of the 76th UN General Assembly (Video).
- 5 March 2020 | Intervention by Burton Mguni, Statistician-General, Statistics Botswana, at the MPPN Side Event of the 51st UN Statistical Commission.
- 30 October-1st November 2018 | Intervention from Montshiwa Montshiwa, National Coordinator, Poverty Eradication Office, Office of the President at the 6th Annual MPPN Meeting in South Africa.