Methods and techniques to determine and combat poverty in Suriname Multidisciplinary Working Group on Poverty Line Determination 2020–2023

National MPI Reports

This report of the Multidisciplinary Working Group on Poverty Line Determination established by the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Youth Affairs (AWJ) in July 2021, describes the findings of research on developing a national framework for measuring poverty in Suriname to help guide the Ministries of AWJ and Social Affairs and Housing (SOZAVO) in implementing their social-economic policy programmes. It includes the findings of a national MPI for households using the 2012 national Census and a national MPI for individuals based on the 2018 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) for Suriname.

For more information visit Statistics Suriname

Citation: Sobhie, R. and Kisoensingh, A. (2023). Methods and techniques to determine and combat poverty in Suriname Multidisciplinary Working Group on Poverty Line Determination 2020-2023, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Youth Affairs, Suriname.

Original version in Dutch: Sobhie, R. and Kisoensingh, A. (2023). Methoden en technieken ter vaststelling en bestrijding van armoede in Suriname. Multidisciplinaire Werkgroep Armoedegrensbepaling 2020-2023, Ministerie van Arbeid, Werkgelegenheid en Jeugdzaken, Suriname.

poverty measurement, national MPI, Multidimensional Poverty Index, poverty line, census
Latin America and the Caribbean
Suriname report 2020–23 cover image


Rosita Sobhie and Anjali Kisoensingh

Publication date